Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I'm Feeling Better Now...

After an admittedly discouraging day, I am beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Yes, we still have a socialist president-elect. But only for four years! Am I grasping at straws? Maybe.
I prefer to think that this will energize the party, and end the apathy found in a lot of conservatives across the country. We still have a task ahead of us. We have to first of all, work to minimize the damage that can be done to this country by four years of liberal leadership. Secondly, we must look forward. We must look forward to 2009, and prepare to reorganize and rejuvenate the Republican party in time for the '09 elections. It is not too early! I encourage all of you who have thought of running for office or even just volunteering with your local Republican party to do so. Encourage your friends and neighbors to do the same. This is supposed to be a government by the people, and for the people, so let's make sure this happens.
We need businessmen, doctors, farmers, and normal people in Washington, instead of the "Good 'Ol Boys Club".
Can you imagine a true people's government, under the leadership of somebody like Sarah Palin?
We need to get back to the roots of the Republican Party, the values and morals, and fiscal responsibility that Reagan brought to Washington. We cannot let the media 'shame' us into backing down from our values. Pro-life, anti-homosexual marriage, creationism, and unabashed Christianity, should once again become our trademarks.
Most of the electronic and print media will be against us. They will try to make us feel alone and without support, but we need to use the avenues still open to us. Talk radio, some newspapers, and of course the Internet can and must be used to get out our message. Support Rush, Hannity, Beck, Ingraham, and Bill O'Reilly, and of course the few Hollywood conservatives on our side.
Speak out! Everything from comments on YouTube videos to letters to the editor in your local paper.
Hold the liberals to the same standard to which they hold us. Hold them responsible for what they say and do.
The conservative movement is alive and well.
God Bless You, and God Bless America


Darryl said...

I think this was a very good approach and is the right attitude that Republicans should take. 2012 is not that far, and Obama is about to face some challenges that few presidents have faced in history. Things may look bad today, but they will quickly get better. It took our Conservative movement ten years to get its act together after we split. I have a feeling American conservatives will not have to wait that long.