Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Down With the UAW!

The true root of the crisis the Big Three automakers are facing right now is being ignored by everybody but conservative bloggers and talk-show hosts. The only way GM is going to get back on track, regardless of how many federal dollars are infused, is if the UAW is voted out. The UAW is one of the biggest and most corrupt labor unions in the country, demanding unreasonably high wages for its members, and demanding unreasonably large dues from its members.
$50 dollars an hour, plus benefits? Seriously, people, how crazy have we gone here? Big corporations have been villified in this country for so long now, in the news, in movies, and everywhere else, and all the while, Big Labor has been growing like a cancer, sucking profits away from corporations that keep this country on its feet. At the same time they are lining the coffers of the unions, the pockets of some of the people in charge, and the pockets of the liberal politicians who have backed them.
Ostensibly, this is all to help the working man. Unfortunately, we are at the point where the government is prepared to spend billions of dollars to bail the automakers out of the financial crisis they are in.
Let's examine for a minute how this will affect the working man. You will probably go from making $50 an hour, to not making diddly-squat, because you lost your job. And even if you manage to keep your jobs, your wages will put you in a high enough tax bracket that you will come under Obama's "tax the rich" economic plan. Your taxes will have to go up to pay for the bailouts.
So, to recap, if you work for one of the Big Three, and manage to keep your job, you will end up making less money than you would in a non-union factory, by the time you have paid your union dues (which will not go down) and your income taxes, (which will go up, to help pay for the bail-out).
While the automakers are re-organizing, the best thing they could do is to de-unionize, and start paying a reasonable wage, which the workers could actually take home, rather than sign over to their union masters.
Why would I be interested in paying higher taxes so that people who already make much more money than I do can go on living in the manner to which they have become accustomed?
I say, abolish the unions, put into effect Fair Wage Laws, and everybody will be happy except for the corrupt labor unions and the liberal politicians they bribe.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


I am tired if walking on eggshells because of being afraid of offending liberals in this country. If we want to get back to the basics of the Republican Party, we are going to have to become unapologetically conservative! We should not have to apologize for being pro-life, or for wanting to defend the sanctity of marriage, or for believing that this world was created by one Supreme intelligent Creator, and worshiping Him. We should not apologize for wanting to defend this country against terrorism, or any other threats.
Conservatives are often maligned in the liberal media. We dont need to let this bother us. Don't be apologetic. We don't need to be obnoxious about it, but fly the flag, wear the t-shirts, display the bumper stickers, and above all stay informed, so as to be able carry on an intelligent discussion with any liberal that wants to "convert" you. (And there will be plenty of those, liberals can't stand opposing views)
Read the National Review , conservative blogs, and stay tuned to talk radio, and of course watch the news, even if it is slanted.
Become involved in politics on a local level. Volunteer, write to the editors of your local papers.
And above all, DON'T APOLOGIZE for your views!
Be proud of being a part of the party of Reagan and Lincoln!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I'm Feeling Better Now...

After an admittedly discouraging day, I am beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Yes, we still have a socialist president-elect. But only for four years! Am I grasping at straws? Maybe.
I prefer to think that this will energize the party, and end the apathy found in a lot of conservatives across the country. We still have a task ahead of us. We have to first of all, work to minimize the damage that can be done to this country by four years of liberal leadership. Secondly, we must look forward. We must look forward to 2009, and prepare to reorganize and rejuvenate the Republican party in time for the '09 elections. It is not too early! I encourage all of you who have thought of running for office or even just volunteering with your local Republican party to do so. Encourage your friends and neighbors to do the same. This is supposed to be a government by the people, and for the people, so let's make sure this happens.
We need businessmen, doctors, farmers, and normal people in Washington, instead of the "Good 'Ol Boys Club".
Can you imagine a true people's government, under the leadership of somebody like Sarah Palin?
We need to get back to the roots of the Republican Party, the values and morals, and fiscal responsibility that Reagan brought to Washington. We cannot let the media 'shame' us into backing down from our values. Pro-life, anti-homosexual marriage, creationism, and unabashed Christianity, should once again become our trademarks.
Most of the electronic and print media will be against us. They will try to make us feel alone and without support, but we need to use the avenues still open to us. Talk radio, some newspapers, and of course the Internet can and must be used to get out our message. Support Rush, Hannity, Beck, Ingraham, and Bill O'Reilly, and of course the few Hollywood conservatives on our side.
Speak out! Everything from comments on YouTube videos to letters to the editor in your local paper.
Hold the liberals to the same standard to which they hold us. Hold them responsible for what they say and do.
The conservative movement is alive and well.
God Bless You, and God Bless America

Here We Go!

Well, the American people have spoken, and showed once again, that money talks, and it speaks loudly. They have elected a president with less than 150 days of experience to lead the country in one of the most challenging period in our nation's history.
This is a man who has promised to spread the wealth around, (other people's wealth, that is).
A man who has promised to bankrupt one of the biggest industries in the United States, the coal industry.
A man who has promised to bring our soldiers home in defeat and disgrace.
A man who has promised bigger government, higher taxes for businesses, and government-run healthcare.
A man who's short voting record is to the left of the Socialist Party of America.
Whatever you're sitting on come January, you had better buckle up, and hold on, because it is going to be a long, bumpy ride.