Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Down With the UAW!

The true root of the crisis the Big Three automakers are facing right now is being ignored by everybody but conservative bloggers and talk-show hosts. The only way GM is going to get back on track, regardless of how many federal dollars are infused, is if the UAW is voted out. The UAW is one of the biggest and most corrupt labor unions in the country, demanding unreasonably high wages for its members, and demanding unreasonably large dues from its members.
$50 dollars an hour, plus benefits? Seriously, people, how crazy have we gone here? Big corporations have been villified in this country for so long now, in the news, in movies, and everywhere else, and all the while, Big Labor has been growing like a cancer, sucking profits away from corporations that keep this country on its feet. At the same time they are lining the coffers of the unions, the pockets of some of the people in charge, and the pockets of the liberal politicians who have backed them.
Ostensibly, this is all to help the working man. Unfortunately, we are at the point where the government is prepared to spend billions of dollars to bail the automakers out of the financial crisis they are in.
Let's examine for a minute how this will affect the working man. You will probably go from making $50 an hour, to not making diddly-squat, because you lost your job. And even if you manage to keep your jobs, your wages will put you in a high enough tax bracket that you will come under Obama's "tax the rich" economic plan. Your taxes will have to go up to pay for the bailouts.
So, to recap, if you work for one of the Big Three, and manage to keep your job, you will end up making less money than you would in a non-union factory, by the time you have paid your union dues (which will not go down) and your income taxes, (which will go up, to help pay for the bail-out).
While the automakers are re-organizing, the best thing they could do is to de-unionize, and start paying a reasonable wage, which the workers could actually take home, rather than sign over to their union masters.
Why would I be interested in paying higher taxes so that people who already make much more money than I do can go on living in the manner to which they have become accustomed?
I say, abolish the unions, put into effect Fair Wage Laws, and everybody will be happy except for the corrupt labor unions and the liberal politicians they bribe.